• Posts Tagged ‘Consumption’

    The struggle for pecuniary reputability

    by  • July 11, 2012 • Consumerism History, Theory

    Theorising the struggle for social recognition can be approached from numerous angles. One – rather cynical – account has been given by the nineteenth-century Norwegian-American economist Thorstein Veblen. In his view, the struggle for social standing is carried out in a specific area of communication which is antagonistic in nature. Central to his work...

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    Use-value, exchange-value and symbolic-value

    by  • June 16, 2012 • Theory

    In the sociology of consumption much emphasis has been directed towards the exchange-value of commodities. In contrast to use-value, the exchange-value of a commodity is based on equivalences which unfold when a product enters the market (commodification). In a capitalist system any object X can be made equivalent to a certain proportion of any...

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