Archive by Author

Academic Sources

All the Academic Sources have now been compiled into a document which will be useful too strengthen if the newspapers have a conservative/liberal or centrtic political leaning.

A bit philosophy dedicated to my “Team”

The “Team” The team gets up each morning, and head off to seminar III. From coding to abstract, We take a step closer to our goal. Our work is broken down, as we focus on each task. We have combine hard work, with skills and throw in some passion, and we’ll surely succeed.   It [...]

Abstract..graphs.. litterature review

Here we are almost on the goal line!  The next coming hours will be to look at our data from different perspective, writing abstract for the paper and starting to gather our informatino for our littertaure review.  In addition we will add our academic sources in a spreadsheet.  Go team!

Feels great to be back home by the goats and an awesome team

Back in Schlaning!  Happy to be welcomed back to the House International and a very efficent and discpline working group!  I have been updated through email from Billy on the progress of the group. Impressed! The coding is now  finished and we are now moving on to calculate each articles average/mean and in addition looking at potential  graphs [...]

Useful sources

PDF format of the Intercoder Reliability Manual: Useful document for content analysis and more:  

Northern Uganda conflict historical backgroud in 10 minutes

This short documentary gives a quick but rich historical background of the Northern Ugandan conflict. Take a look at it.

Kony group set and ready to go!

Research questions formulated, theory agreed on, newspapers chosen, Roles distributed. Now at the stage of collecting data. The real work begins.

About Kony 2012 and the invisible children

About Kony 2012 campaign: a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice. (Invisible children) About Invisible Children: We are storytellers. We are visionaries, humanitarians, artists, and entrepreneurs. We are a generation [...]


Peace journalism is reporting on issues in conflicts from a neutral position with regards to the story and the sources of the story, having in mind that the peaceful solution to the conflict will be the ultimate outcome. Peace journalism also gives a platform to both conflicting parties to hear from each other and respond [...]