Most Trusted News

As Karo will report on todays “progress” later, I’ll just post about the most recent updates.

As the 18 top newspapers in the world by average circulation did not produce enough articles on Mali, we decided to include four major news sources. as I found a study of the most trusted newssources in ten major countries, we believe this would be a valueable addition to our sample. than we can have an general overview analysis (including all the sources), where the sample is split in two, so that it is not only sales sumbers, but also peoples’s perception affecting it. we can also make a comparison of the most sold vs the most trusted news sources.

the lunk to the poll is:

as only four of the most populat ones are in english, we devide them between us:

Karo: Al Jazeera.

Chika: Channels TV.

Claire: BBC News.

Rine FOX News.

The codings would be: (the x is instead of whatever number you give it).

Al Jazeera: 21_x

Channels TV: 22_x

BBC News: 23_x

FOX News: 24_x.

Pick maximum 20 articles from each of these sources, however, if one of them have none (very unlikely) you can maybe take more in another one?


Hope this works out,


2 Comments to “Most Trusted News”

  1. Philipp Babcicky 9 April 2012 at 5:51 pm #

    That’s not just a great idea to increase your sample size but it also allows for comparison between the most read and the most trusted news outlets… Neat!

  2. Robin 9 April 2012 at 6:15 pm #

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