Peace journalism

To my understanding ‘Peace Journalism’ is a sort or type of writing or editing about stories and current events  in a way that make the reader sees the peaceful side of the story and not just plain reporting on the amount of causalities and loses. Abdallah  


There are different definitions by different scholars about peace journalism. However peace journalism operational definition is to allow opportunities for society at large to consider and value non-violent responses to conflict.

Peace Journalism Definition

Peace Journalism is when editors and reporters make choices – of what stories to report, and how to report them – which create opportunities for society at large to consider and to value non-violent responses to conflict. It uses conflict analysis and transformation to update the concepts of balance, fairness and accuracy in reporting. The [...]


Peace journalism is reporting on issues in conflicts from a neutral position with regards to the story and the sources of the story, having in mind that the peaceful solution to the conflict will be the ultimate outcome. Peace journalism also gives a platform to both conflicting parties to hear from each other and respond [...]

Definition of peace journalism

Peace Journalism is a media process by which reports, news and information pertaining to peace conflict or resolution are being disseminated to the world at large for purpose of information.

Peace Journalism

Peace Journalism emerged in the mid-1990s as a new field within Peace and Conflict studies. The original definition of Peace Journalism was by Johan Galtung as a form of critical analysis of existing war reporting and a set of practical plans and options in journalism.

Peace Journalism as a process of mediation

  Peace journalism which focus on conflict transformation has much to offer to build up bridges that divide our world today. Transformation of conflicts in a creative way offers the opportunity to find new ways of defining more peaceful co-existence by accepting conflict as a chance of development while retrieving from violence in all its forms and [...]

Peace journalism

Peace journalism can be defined as a special mode of social responsible journalism which contributes to the peaceful settlement of conflicts. A journalist acts as a third party to facilitate peace and conflict resolution by representing all sides of a conflict in a non-aggressive manner.

Journalist escalates conflicts

“Peace Journalism” is a process where it provides a new way ahead for journalist in tracing their sources and achieving the end results of their reports. It is an awareness on creating non-violence means of resolving the conflict in our day to day life. But quite often, media escalates the conflict instead of peacefull resolution

different between peace and war journalism (images)

In the pictures the two situations of war and peace is clear. In the violent protest in Mexico is unfortunate that one can not read clearly the placard of the protesters as in the peace protest. In the other pictures of the children, the one in hands shows protected and secure and the other child [...]

Peace Journalism

Peace Journalism can help teach another language, a language rooted in non-violence and creativity in thinking about conflicts.

Peace Journalism

Peace Journalism is when editors and reporters make choices on what and how to report a conflict situation, that gives the society the opportunity to value and consider non-violent ways to respond to that situation