About Kony 2012 and the invisible children

About Kony 2012 campaign: a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice. (Invisible children) About Invisible Children: We are storytellers. We are visionaries, humanitarians, artists, and entrepreneurs. We are a generation [...]

Kony 2012 campaign in the media

Team members: Billy, Carmen, Karin and Maike. We have given ourselves a task to analyse how Kony 2012, a campaign of the invisible children group, has been reported in the US, possibly UK media. We will not support or criticize Kony 2012 campaign. Instead, we will “just” look at how it was reported. We chose [...]

Research Project Leader Kundan

Peace Journalism in Global Humanitarian Organisation Report, South East Asia Member Kundan Mary Anna Justine looking at the report of prominent global NGO’s in the region and how they frame their activities within the region.

Team Mali

Our group consists of Chika, Rine, Claire and me and I will be our team leader. The broad topic we figured out is: “The coup d’état in Mali- How does the reportings in Twitter on the coup differ on a national and international level with regards to Peace and War Journalism”

team forming

Dear colleagues, Hope the team forming worked out easily. Please let me know to which group I am a research member now and the referring details, as well as the meeting schedule. If necessary I could be in Schlaining tomorrow at 10 am earlierst. Best Barbara  

Movie: The Bang Bang Club

As I mentioned in class, I have a really good movie about these two weeks’ topic. The Bang Bang Club is a true story portraying the life and work of four war photographers and the way they cover the final days of South Africa’s apartheid regime. The main topic is the ethical dilemmas they face [...]

peace journalism

Peace journalism is systematic way of portraying news by editors and reporters, as such that choices are carefully made in choosing what to report and the system to be applied in broadcasting. Where the target or perceived audiences are influenced or inspired to embrace non-violent measures in response, as a better option in addressing conflicts.


Peace journalism recognizes that most journalism has a value bias towards violence and war, and includes practical methods for correcting this. However, to be more than just not war journalism, I believe that peace journalism should do more than just reporting facts. It should value non-violent responses to conflict, uncover underlying causes, and give a [...]

Difference between the war journalist and peace journalist

While talking about difference between the War journalists and peace journalists Galtung says war journalists tends to concentrate on the physical account, the number of deaths and issues like who wins and who lose where as peace journalism offers an alternative approach to journalists (Galtung, 1998). Peace journalists while giving the physical account of the [...]

Peace Journalism

“Peace Journalism is a broader, fairer and more accurate way of framing stories, drawing on the insights of conflict analysis and transformation. The Peace Journalism approach provides a new road map for tracing the connections between journalists, their sources, the stories they cover and the consequences of their reporting – the ethics of journalistic intervention. [...]


PJ denote a conscious effort by journalists to use all available media mechanisms to communicate the nonviolent-cum-positive sides of a conflictual situation to a targeted audience.  In this order, involved parties are brought to the round table and made to look into measures geared towards peaceful coexistence.  The idea is to tactically reduce and resolve [...]

definition of peace journalism

Peace Journalism is aimed to find out the truth. It is a tool to understand underlying reasons and implications of conflicts in order to give every party involved a voice. It strongly opposes the dominant reporting which focuses on violence in order to promote peaceful solutions to conflicts.