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Abstract of Team Mali

Abstract of Team Mali

Abstract of Team Mali On the 21st of March 2012, the Malian government was overthrown in a coup d’état by the Malian military. This exploratory study is aimed at exploring the discourse in the media on the coup d’état by analyzing the media narratives from a peace/war journalistic view.  The research covers the time period [...]

Abstract problems

We have some issues to write a proper abstract, not because we have not been there, but because we don’t have final results and a final conclusion due to the qualitative aspect of the study. Our findings and the interpretation will differ from team members to team member.So writing an abstract with the structure that [...]

Starting the interpretation

Today, we created different maps for our analysis. We created one for the general discourse on the coup in Mali. Then we created some a comparison map between newspapers and channels, comparison between. Furthermore, we created three trend maps (one for all sources, one for the newspapers and one for the channels). We agreed on [...]

Changing the research

Due to the problems which came up yesterday, we will most likely change our data! We don’t know how to fix the dataset in order to make Leximancer understand the tweets. It seems to be impossible for Leximancer to understand the “twitter language”. Our backup plan is now to stick with Leximancer but use newspaper [...]

Work Progress Friday

Yesterday, our group spend the day waching youtube turtorials in order to get more familiar with the  prgramme Leximancer. We learned to understand the meaning of concepts in more detail and found out that we can add so called stop-lists in order to avoid “meaningless” small words. Furthermore, we learned tu use the “concept sensitivity” [...]

Work Progress Thursday

Today,  we (the whole group) decided on the next steps: 1) We have to extract the data. Instead of using the whole database we will only take out the texts which were used between 20.3.2012 until 28.3.2012. Furthermore, we will onyl take the tweets which were posted in English. Chika tries to fulfill this tasks! [...]

Team Mali

Our group consists of Chika, Rine, Claire and me and I will be our team leader. The broad topic we figured out is: “The coup d’état in Mali- How does the reportings in Twitter on the coup differ on a national and international level with regards to Peace and War Journalism”

definition of peace journalism

Peace Journalism is aimed to find out the truth. It is a tool to understand underlying reasons and implications of conflicts in order to give every party involved a voice. It strongly opposes the dominant reporting which focuses on violence in order to promote peaceful solutions to conflicts.